

Hint by Collins 3

Speaking hints
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If you use weak forms correctly, you will be more fluent and you will sound
more like a native speaker. This will get you higher marks in the exam.
Knowing about weak forms will also help you understand the examiner more easily;
it is easy to miss weak forms because they are unstressed,
1 Can I have a cup of tea?
2 We met at

Hint by Collins 2

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In the exam, look carefully at the tenses used in the Part 2 questions, and
listen carefully to the examiner to hear which tenses they use in their questions, Does
the question relate to the past, present, future, or something imagined? This will help
you use the correct tenses when you speak,

Hint by Collins 1

Speaking hints
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If you use a character adjective to describe someone in the exam, you should
expand on it or explain it.
She 's really outgoing and sociable she's always going out with friends and colleagues.
He 's not very reliable, so, for example, if I email him, he won 't respond.
She 's terribly blunt, which means she quite often upsets us

I can read it.

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The average person reads approximately 250 words per minute. A speed reader can read from 600-1500 words per minute, or more. Their comprehension percentage is no less than that of the average reader. The technique allows you to take in the printed word just like you take in images while watching a movie, allowing you to read an entire magazine or

Are you charging your battery correctly?

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Charge your battery correctly, in accordance with its type. Most newer have lithium-ion batteries, while older ones generally have nickel-based batteries. Read the label on the back of the battery or in the technical specifications in the manual to determine which yours is.
Avoid fully discharging a lithium-ion battery! Unlike Ni-Cd

Learning Styles

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Auditory learners often talk to themselves. They also may move their lips and read out loud. They may have difficulty with reading and writing tasks. They often do better talking to a colleague or a tape recorder and hearing what was said.

Visual learners have two sub-channels—linguistic and spatial. Learners who are visual-linguistic like to

Vatan himoyachilari formalari haqida.

Vatan himoyachilari deganda, harbiy forma ya’ni komuflyaj rangli masxus kiyim yoki furajka kiygan askarlar hayolga kelishi tayin. Aynan shu o’zgacha libos tufayli harbiy xizmatchilar boshqa kasb egalaridan ajralib turishadi. Afsuski, aksariyat yoshlar bu uniforma haqida batafsil ma’lumotga ega emaslar. Shuning uchun harbiylar